Woman Scream 2018-Tanzania

It was an emotional moment full of hope as the women and children of Kichangani community came together to learn and share on gender based violence.  The event brought flashlights of hope to the community as they started sharing different ways that they can prevent and report issues related to gender based violence. They talked about each member of the community being responsible in ensuring the community is a safe space for all the young and old people. It was written all over the women’s face that they are ready to create positive changes in their families and the community at large.

During the Woman Scream Event, we had a gathering of young children below 6 years of age, older kids (6-12 years), teenagers and older women. We started with introductions and few activities that created an atmosphere for discussions, sharing and learning from each other. Afterwards, we divided the participants into three sub-groups, which were toddlers; young boys; and girls and women group. Each group was led by a team member whereas Maureen Mwaisaka and Nancy Lazaro led the women group, Kwame Elly Anangisye led the boys group and Somy Solomon led the toddlers group. The discussions were centred around sending messages of self-esteem, respect and rising voices against gender based violence. This was done through discussions, poetry, songs and children activities. Children were taught to love each other, stand up for one another, treat each other with respect and to build their confidence as they grow up into being responsible citizens and create communities without gender based violence. 

At last, everyone came together and we had another poem from Nancy Lazaro shared with everyone as well as song from Kwame Elly Anangisye, who led an interactive session with kids as part of closing. Maureen Mwaisaka gave the closing remarks. As a sign of unity, with children in the middle, the women stood in a circle while holding each other’s hands and together we vowed to give our children education and good upbringing for their own benefit and that of a country. Holding each other’s hands was a symbol for all of us women to let each other know that we are here for one another. Each one of us may be going through a certain form of violence, but we are standing together to scream and fight. We are each other’s voice. We are each other’s power.

All poems shared were written in Swahili. These poems were written by Nancy Lazaro and Neema Komba. 

La Poetista (@PoetryTanzania) joined hands with Kichankani Library and Learning Center to reach out to Kichangani community located in the outskirts of Dar es Salaam.

The team included:
Nancy Lazaro – Poet, Co-Founder of La Poetista (@PoetryTanzania)
Neema Komba – Poet, Co-Founder of La Poetista (@PoetryTanzania)
Somy Solomon – Social Activist, Founder of Kichankani Library and Learning Center
Kwame Anangisye – Musician, Children Facilitator, Artist
Maureen Mwaisaka - Co- founder Miliki Taji Lako (Own Your Crown)